more datalogging questions


New Member
Jun 26, 2005

I'm playing with a device from Anticyclone systems that captures RS232 data, and have been able to capture data from the EMS side of my D180. One line of raw data looks like this:


As you can see, that didn't fit on one line, but you get the idea. Do you have any utility program available that will decode this into something a bit more user friendly?

I have a message into Waiter, who writes the Flight Data Recorder. I've tried his program with a laptop, and it does work fine. You can view raw data in real time, and it looks just like the line I posted above. His program then converts this into a text file that's displays the data in columns. I've asked it if was possible (easy) to allow his program to open existing raw data capture files, rather than converting on the fly.

Rusty (got data, but can't read it)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We don't have any tools to analyze our EFIS or EMS data into anything really helpful. We generally use Excel around here.


New Member
Jun 26, 2005
Hey, an Excel spreadsheet would be just fine  :)

I know you don't have the software setup to do all the nice plots and graphs and such that some EMS vendors have, and I believe that's one of the reasons that's often given for the lack of a datalogging feature.  My hope is to at least be able to decode these lines of data into meaningful numbers, but in order to do that, I'll need some clue as to how the string is arranged.  

Do you have any documentation available that lists the meaning of the numbers in the string?  I'm assuming (big assumption) that there's a pattern to this, such as the first group of numbers being date and time, another group being temps, one for pressures, etc.  That's the sort of thing I'm hoping to find.  

Absolute worst case, I believe the antilog device will output the data in real time playback mode, which could be fed into Waiters program.  It would be a horrible solution, but if I have trouble with the engine during flight, it would be worth the trouble to analyze the data after I land.  

FWIW, I love the Dynon products, and was never promised datalogging so I can't hold it against you.  I do wish that Dynon would move the datalogging feature a bit higher on the todo list though.  It's a VERY valuable feature that your EMS is missing.  



New Member
Jun 26, 2005
What great documentation! I never dreamed that sort of info would be in there :-[

Sorry for asking one of those RTFM question, but in my defense, I've only looked at the installation manual so far.

Rusty (remember, a bad excuse is better than no excuse)


New Member
May 29, 2005
Northwestern Ohio
Russel et al;

Try this;

Hook two computers together with a null serial cable. Run Hyperterm, Or my favorite, TeraTerm Pro, on both machines. Set the speed to 115,200.

I have a question about the LF and CR in your raw data file, so do this; On machine #1 type "ryryryryr". You should see this on the screen on machine #2, While watching Machine #2, type CTRL-J, on machine #1. The cursor should move down one line (LF), but should not move back to the beginning of the line. Now type CTRL-M, the cursor should move back to the begining of the line (CR).

Disconnect the computers and hook up the EFIS to machine #2. You should see the data scrolling down, like, real fast. However, if you look at the data, the time portion of the data should always start on the left side. The data fields should line up perfectly, straight up and down. If so, this tells me that a line feed and carrage return are being transmitted by the D180. (If not, let me know and I'll modify the Waiters Flight Data Recorder, to look for either, not just the CR)

NOW, disconnect the EFIS and reconnect the two computers with the null serial cable. Waiter Flight Data Recorder should be running on machine #2 and TeraTerm pro should be runnind on machine #1

On machine #1 do a SEND FILE (I think hyperterm calls the "Send Text File") and select the raw data file. This command basically takes each character in the file and sends it out the serial port, as if you were typing the character on the keyboard. There is no protocol.

The data file dump will show up on the screen of Machine #2 exactly like it did when you had the EFIS connected.

This is where I seen a problem (I think), It appeared that the data dump file was stripping off the carrage return. Let me know how this is working out.

In the mean time, I'm looking into a simple method of playing a captured raw data file like the one you have.



New Member
Jun 26, 2005
Hi Waiter,

Thanks very much for the reply. I was actually just about to report the success of all my Excel training yesterday. With some tutoring, I've now recorded a macro to import the data directly from the captured raw data file. The data goes into proper columns, with correct headings, and for the moment, this is just dandy. Once I figure out more about the graphing in Excel, it might even be more than dandy :)

If you would like me to perform these tests for your information, I'll certainly do it next week. For my use, the Excel file appears to give me more capability than having it all in a text file, so I'll be sticking with what I've got working now.

I do appreciate your software, and the willingness to modify it to help others.
