Need Help putting together order...


New Member
Apr 21, 2005
El Dorado AR
It's my intention to install a FlightDEK-D180 in the Corvair powered 601XL I'm building. I know you guys don't officially support the Corvair but we both know it can be done because it has been done.

I'm needing the Builders Headstart portion of the kit with the probes and senders pretty much now. What I need is a list of what I need to order from you guys to get what I want. The outcome will look like this.

CHT on all 6 cyl.
EGT x2
Fuel Flow Sensor
Fuel Press.
Oil Temp
Oil Press.
Wiring Harness

I've got VDO fuel senders and it is my understanding that these work with the D180.

I've also got Ray Allen trim on both the elevator and aileron. Will the FlightDEK-D180 accept the position signal from these? If not what do I need to get that info into the D180.

Anything I'm not thinking about please let me know.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Your fuel senders will work if they are normal passive resistive senders, which it sounds like they are.

The Ray Allen trim servos' output will work too.

A lot of folks will order the EDC-D10A remote magnetometer ahead of time as well to install it in the wing/fuselage/whereever.

Other than that, you can order as you go. Give us a call at 425-402-0433 to chat about ordering the individual components you're after.

Our software doesn't perfectly support the 6 EGTs / 2 CHT combination that you have in mind, but, it's workable if you split each of your two EGTs into 3 EGT inputs. You'd end up having groups of 3 EGTs that read the same.