Poor reception


New Member
Mar 22, 2021
I fly using FlyQ on an Ipad, this is my 2nd DRX. First one was dropping targets, called company they sent me another. Flew again with the new unit yesterday still drops targets. My friend is using Garmin on his Ipad sitting next to me and no issues with his Garmin box. So is this just a poor receiver issue with these DRX units? I had a Stratux stick on my back window and never had any issues, wanted to go with the Dynon for it's small profile. I just have it sitting on the glareshield, thinking of mounting it on rear window to see if that makes a difference.


New Member
Sep 23, 2020
I too, tried two units, until I finally determined that the units are just low quality devices that don't well enough to merit flying with me. I've replaced them both with a Dual XGPS 170D. Both Dynon's took a long time to lock onto a GPS fix, and just a 45 degree bank would be enough to instantly lose connectivity. I was also pretty convinced I wasn't seeing all my traffic. It's too bad. The market needs this unit. It's a great form factor and price point, if only it would work. Hard to believe they'd send these out like this. Sorry Dynon, I really tried, and your units don't work.


New Member
Mar 22, 2021
Agree...too bad they are a nice little unit. I mounted mine on my rear window but still drops targets and loses GPS lock. Going back to my Stratux, a lot more bulky but it always works.