Problem with AOA_BAR  on EFIS D100


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
I have a Dynon EFIS D100 and EMS D120 connected with "DSAB".
I mount the "Dynon AOA pitot Boom Mount" on leading edge of the wing.
I did the calibration as instruction, but "AOABAR" displays a single red line!!
I repeat the calibration, but the result is the same.
I noticed that the plane carrying a high angle of attack, you see all the red lines and yellow (not green), and subsequently decreasing the angle of attack is again displayed a single red line.
I Have done something wrong?
I checked the hose connections and all seem correct.
Furthermore, even on the ground (zero speed) only one red bar is displayed
The only imperfection mounting pitot tube is that it has a slight angle of attack compare to level flight (the tip of the pitot is slightly higher)
What can i do to solve the problem??
p.s. i have experience in assembling a "AOA Pitot". last year i installed an "AOA Pitot" in my old aircraft with Efis D10A, and everything worked fine.

Another problems:
On EFIS D100, in Data Logging Menu
I am seeing and error 4 message.
What does this mean and how do I clear it?
i have a Firmware 5.2 (on EFIS and EMS and I did not see where the error appeared after the firmware upgrades).

Many Thanks

Andrea Tarducci


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Email support at about the error 4 thing. We can fix that with a file that you upload to the unit.

As for the AOA issue - how high of a pitot angle are we talking? If the difference between cruise and actual critical AOA isn't being sensed by the pitot because it's already canted up signifigantly, that can affect things.

Beyond that, the behavior you're describing is odd. First thing to check is that the AOA port is actually free of obstructions, and is going to the AOA port on the back of the unit and not the IAS port (or even the static port - some folks have mistakenly tried ot use the AOA/pitot probes second line as static).

After that, try doing a new AOA calibration with a modification: Ignore the pitch oscillation instructions. After you enter the calibration routine and are demonstrating low AOA, just keep it at cruise. What you're doing here is showing it a higher AOA than if you did the oscillations for the low AOA measurement. This should keep the bars fuller at a slightly lower IAS than if you did the oscillations.

If that doesn't solve things, get in touch directly with support at 425-402-0433 about this issue.


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
I aligned the pitot tube, I ran your procedure, but the problem persists.
I also noticed that now the horizon of EFIS is slow and inaccurate in roll.
The only question concerns the wire with which I connected the EFIS to EMS, in fact I do not know if I connected the wire of DSAB on EMS to 34 35 or 36 37.
Unfortunately not able to speak English on the phone, you have someone who speaks Italian?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Sorry, we do not have any Italian speakers here.

I wonder if you have your AOA/pitot installed upside down. The angled edge of the front part of the pitot that houses the AOA port should be facing down. Is it?

Also, does your airspeed indication look correct in the air? If it doesn't, then that could affect the horizon display.


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
The pitot tube is mounted in the right position.
Indeed, for how does the indicator seemed to be reversed, but I checked several times and seems okay.
The speeds mentioned are correct.
On pitot tube pipeline there are several related instruments, while on the AOA pipeline only Dynon , can affect?


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
Today I made a new test. During takeoff the AOA indicator bars had green, yellow and red. But if i maintaining the altitude, the green bars have gradually disappeared and when I decreased the height are missing all the red bars. Furthermore, there were also problems artificial horizon

After I have done other tests:
- I unplugged the sensor tube of AOA
- I disconnected the DSAB
.... but problems remain!!!
Sometimes the roll is slow (for long turns), the horizon is not horizontal, the cruising speed is real, but during the fast speed changes the EFIS responding slowly.

I think there are problems with the software.
Can I reset the EFIS?
Can I reload all the software?
The EFIS is broken?
If yes, where repairs? In Italy? or in the U.S.?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It may be the EFIS, but I'm skeptical. If you end up sending it in, it will need to come back here.

Where is your AOA/Pitot? Can you take a picture of you installation and post it?

Also, please describe, step by step, in your own words, what you did to calibrate the AOA.


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
today i make a new calibration: ..... i have the same results!!!

I make a level flight,
I flight for 1 or 2 minutes (i oscillate the aircraft same times (small oscillate) at fast speed (120knt)
i push "STALL" and i makethe  first STALL (no power, no flaps) and when finish 45 seconds,
i push "STALL" and i make the second STALL (no power, full flaps) and when finish 45 seconds,
i push "STALL" and i make the third STALL (full power, no Flaps) and when finish 45 seconds,
i push "STALL" and i make the fourth STALL (full power, full Flaps) and when finish 45 seconds,
i flight for two o three minutes on level flight then i push "Finish".
...... and the results is BAD !!!!!

sometimes the roll and pitch of EFIS is too slow of Roll and Pitch of aircraft!!

what i do??



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Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
First, the AOA: It looks like there is another pitot and maybe a static port on the aircraft. What are those connected to? We've found that under-wing mounted static ports often do not provide a good static reference. That can affect both airspeed and altitude readings, and also AOA. Also, are you absolutely sure that the AOA port (the left port looking at the back of the EFIS) is connected to the AOA port (the bottom one)

Next, the attitude: does the EFIS airspeed look correct in all flight regimes? If not, that could explain the lagging attitude. If airspeed does look correct, we may want to have a look at your unit here to see if there is anything wrong with it.


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
the pitot under wing is old pitot and i use only the static port (orginal static port in all Tecnam P2002 Sierra).
I verify two o three times the pipe of AOA and is connect to the left port looking at the back of the EFIS.
In the cockpit I also have a mechanical anemometer and the CIP for the control of the propeller, and speed given in EFIS are almost always the same as In the anemometer and CIP (Intelligent control propeller). Sometimes the EFIS has delays in indicating the speed.

P.S. I recently replaced the battery of EFIS (with original parts), as it did not work



New Member
Apr 22, 2010
Today i Upload the file for reset the error 4 and i see the Efis firmware is 5.2.0 and the EDC D10/A Firmware is 1.5.0., then i make upgrade to firmware 5.3 on EFIS, and on EMS then when verify the firmware all device (EFIS, EDC D10/A, EMS) are 5.3.0 !!
After I verified the artificial horizon delay and saw that now everything is OK. !!!!!

After I performed a AOA recalibration, but the result is the same.
I did other tests and I noticed that for any pitch with speeds below 95 kmh the AOABAR is all green. If Increase the speed to about 135 kmh the AOABAR has a single red line.
If I run a stall, the AOABAR remains completely green!

I did a test with pitot and AOA  tube lines reversed and it was evident that the original position was correct!! In fact, with the pipe reversed, the indicated speed was clearly wrong



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The only two more things we can think of to have you check:

First is the AOA line, between the tip of the pitot, and the back of the instrument. Is it obstructed in any way? Both the AOA and pitot should have about the same pneumatic resistance when you blow through the tubes (when not connected to the EFIS).

I'm looking into whether we can easily learn anything from getting a firmware backup from you, but I'm waiting to hear from our software team on that.

If you don't find anything physically wrong with the tube itself, you should email support at with a link to this thread. We may want to take a look at your unit.


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
The AOA line is OK!
The pitot line has a little more resistance than the AOA line!

What I do?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I was going to refer you to technical support for further assistance, but it sounds like you've just gotten in touch. I'll let them help you from here.


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
Yesterday i install a new EFIS D100A, and is OK, on Roll e Pitch.
Today i set the AOA bar, but after the set (I repeated the procedure twice), the AOA bar is still RED!
I do not understand what is the problem!
The AOA and pitot have a dedicated tube from Pitot to Efis. (For others instruments using the old pitot, and old tube)
All information on EFIS are correct, but the AOA is not function!!!

What I Do????



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Try doing your AOA calibration with just one type of stall - power off, flaps down. Also, perhaps try doing a calibration in that configuration but don't let the aircraft "fully stall" - just get it down to a very slow approach speed. I wonder if there is some odd buffeting or something during your stalls that is causing the AOA calibration to see some unusual pressure that is upsetting the calibration.

Finally, can you take a picture of your AOA display in cruise, and also another picture in slow flight?


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
Your suggestions did not give the desired effect
I made a new AOA calibration.
One pre-stall, without engine and without flaps.
I attach the movie and photo of AOA bar after this calibration.
p.s. speed in km/h


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