Problem with test mode of servo


Feb 23, 2007
Cairns, Australia
I have just installed the AP74 and one servo (SV32) as roll servo with my Flitedek 180 in my jabiru 430.

The problem I have is:
When I go through the calibration setup it seems to do everything OK. When defining the left and right roll limits it seems to accept the limit of travel positions.

But when I do a test on the servo  - It rolls to the right only about half the full travel and stops and when it goes to left roll it barely passes the centre position then stops.  

I read somewhere in the manual (which I now can't re-find   :(  )where it says something about range of roll sometimes being a problem and that it requires mechanical correction.  But as I recall it didn't say what correction.  The range of movement of the stick is way more than the servo test performed and there is no binding or difficulty in manually moving the joystick.

Any advice?

Jaba Who


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
This could happen if the servo test was started with the stick not centered. Go through the cal/test process again, making sure that every time that the calibration/test routine asks you to go back to center, that you're going back to the same stick position.


Feb 23, 2007
Cairns, Australia
Sorry, did that. Did it three times.
Even put a white line marker on the face and the hub of the movement arm for centred, full right and full left to be sure I was lining things up right etc.

The only thing I thought was perhaps funny but could have been right was:

It asks for full left deflection - click disconect button. I do that and it then asks for full right deflection and click disconnect. I do that it then asks me to "Now move the stick full deflection to the right" ie full right deflection again even though it is already full right. It registers and then asks for full left deflection again which it also registers.

Doing it twice makes sense - to double check etc. But just the order seems funny - asking me to "now move the stick fully right" when it is already fully right. Just makes me wonder if it didn't get something even though it says it did.

Could it play up if each of the two rights and the two lefts were not in EXACTLY the same spot. I'm thinking what if I was really hard against the stop one time and not fully the next?  Just a thought.

I have the push rod mounted in the end hole of the movement arm,  I was thinking maybe trying it in the middle hole but not sure if that should make any difference.

Oops... just redid the calibration and tests - same result...... just that I now see why the test sequence has two right deflections in sequence - the first was with full pitch down second full ppitch up. No effect on my setup of coursebecause I don't have the pitch servo installed yet.

Still the problem first mentioned exists.

I have not yet tried changing the push rod position - that's next followed by substituting the sv42 I had put aside for the pitch servo for the sv32 and see what happens


Feb 23, 2007
Cairns, Australia
Latest Update.

Recalibrated it. No change.
Took it for a taxi - engaged heading hold and steered left and right etc.

The servo now moves the stick full range to hard against the stops.
Seems to act different in use to in the test.

Took it for a fly.
Did everything perfectly. Went through the setup sequence as per the book - Needed no adjusting in flight at all.

Took up headings, track and nav perfectly. Did the auto 180 degree turn and turning onto new headings beautifully.

I was very happy with how it functioned in the air.



Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
I have seen that it does not use the full scale deflection when it does a test, but thats OK, your Auto pilot should never do it anyway.

In the RV10 if it did that in would do about 3 rolls before I could hit the disconnect button! :eek:


New Member
Jan 23, 2009
Hi Jaba-Who, your servo test did not move but on taxi (what speed?) it did? Works on flight now?

I may have a very similar problem... please look my post:

Do you suggest anything? I was afraid of test flying it after it did not move on ground servo test.

Thanks in advance.