Skyview Questions


New Member
Jan 3, 2010
I am a new pilot building my own plane with little knowledge of the glass panels. I have some questions.
1. Will the GPS option be good enough for your only GPS. (Except handheld backup)
2. Could it be displayed by itself on a seperate screen?.
3. Will it have airport data, etc., flight planning for auto pilot, function bascially like a regular GPS. I have limited panel space for a GPS
4. If you have 2 screens and 1 ADAHRS, will you have a BU airspeed?
Will fly only VFR
Thanks Steve


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
1) Yes, for VFR airplanes (you'll need an IFR certified unit like a Garmin 430 if you want to use the GPS for IFR ops), but not until the moving map software is out, which will start with our next major release sometime this year.

2) Yes. And you can change this up (what screen(s) the map is displayed on, and what size it is) in real-time, with just a few button pressed

3) Yes, but it doesn't have that today. Coming in future software updates.

4) Only half-way. If the ADHARS fails, you don't have any flight instruments. If a screen fails, you would still have everything available on the remaining screen. The "fully redundant" dual screen solution that protects against any single component failure is two screens, two ADAHRS modules. We do sell you the second ADAHRS at a discount ($800).