Support Bracket for D10A?


New Member
Jun 14, 2005
I am installing my D10A in my RV6a. I am concerned about the lack of support for the back of the unit. Only four screws through the unit and the panel seems a bit light. So, I fashioned a bracket rivetted to and coming out from the sub-panel around which I can wrap a collar which will then go completely around the reaf of the unit. The collar is 3/4 inch wide and the rubber between the collar and the unit is 1/2 inch wide. It does provide considerable support for the unit but I need to know if this will cause any heat or other problem with the unit.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Tough to answer - the only issue would be heat. The EFIS does cool through the "can", so you definitely do not want to wrap too much of it up. As long as there is good ventilation, though, you'll probably be alright. The EFIS will let you know, with a "temp out of spec" message, if it gets hotter than 50C.

However, the EFIS is built to be held to the panel by those 4 screws exclusively, and shouldn't require additional reinforcement. Or is it the panel that you're protecting with the bracing? Usually, most panels can take the weight of the EFIS hanging in back.