Tach signal not associated with the ignition.


New Member
Apr 21, 2005
El Dorado AR
Recently William Wynne of flycorvair.com has made his feelings about having the tach via the ignition system known and specificly mentions Dynon.

"On the horizon, the highly reputable Dynon company has said they're willing to develop a Corvair specific EIS unit. This is good news because they certainly produce the finest, most reasonably priced EFIS (Electronic Flight Information Systems). "

So my question is any idea when this will be available?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We met William at Oshkosh, and will hopefully be able to touch base with him shortly and see if we can put together a probe package that will work well with the Corvair engine. No dates have been set at this point though.


New Member
Oct 15, 2006
Puerto Rico
Has there been anything new on this front?

I read that same statement on flycorvair.com and was very intrigued. I am planning on getting the D10 series EFIS and EMS (due to limited panel space on my KR-1) and was wondering how hard it will be to hook it up to a Corvair. Honestly I'm still quite a ways away from needing to worry about installing the engine and avionics yet but this (Dynon+Corvair) is the direction I'm looking to go with my project.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
There is nothing new to report at this time, but as far as we know, the current EMS will work fine with a Corvair engine. There is no hardware that needs to be changed. Some probes may need to be adapted or we may need to support a new sensor or two.

As for using the tach signal off of the ignition signal, we still need to look in to this and see what the concern is. We hook right to the mags on all aircraft engines, we're hooked to both magnetos, and it's totally safe. The resistor we use means that it's impossible to do anything on the EMS side that interferes with ignition at all, and this would be true on an automotive engine as well. You can prove this to yourself by hooking the wire on the EMS side to ground or +12V and you'll see that the engine doesn't even flinch.