Turn Indicator error


New Member
Feb 6, 2006
Auckland, NZ
I have my D180 sitting on my test bench. The unit is absolutely horizontal and is connected to the remote compass which is absolutely aligned in three dimensions to the D180.

In this setup I am getting good indications for everything except the turn indicator which shows a right hand turn ... approximately 1/4" of bar is displayed. The ball is centred and roll and pitch indicators show no climb or roll.

If I turn the unit then the bars moves to show the turn but at the end of the movement it always returns to display the right hand turn.

I just upgraded to version 1.6 to see if it made any difference but there was no change from v1.2



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
There is a dynamic calibration that occurs inside the EFIS when you fly it, and the most obvious place you can see this is in turn rate. Sometimes this calibration gets out of whack when you're playing with the unit on the ground, and it can lead to the turn rate looking off when you're not actually turning. This occurs because you can "lie" to the unit on the ground such as giving it airspeed when it isn't actually going 150 knots.

We fully expect this to clear itself up after a few minutes of straight and level flight and that you'll never see it again after that. If it doesn't, please call us and there are a few other things we can try.