VSI Autozoom


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
I guess most of us normally fly in the 1K range of the vertical speed most of the time. But if we climb well or want to descend fast, we may depart this range. Having the choice to set up the VSI like 1K, 2K or 4K and having a relatively small display on y D10A's makes my many times wishing the other setup I actually have. Once I change, I will probably be back on the previous and so I change all the time and will never really be happy.... :-?

But what about giving us a kind of "VSI Autozoom Option" in the setup? By this I mean, that we set for example the VSI to 1K but when vertical speed departs the value of 1000 ft/min the Dynon will change to 2K or even 4K till the value comes to 1000 ft/min, then it goes back to it's initially choosen setting.

What do you think? I would love it. Thanks Dynon and kind regards

Thomas ;)