On my Skyview classic SV-1000 with SV-GPS-250 which is fully connected and operational, I cannot see anymore the time (Local or Zulu) on the top bar ...
Someone can help ?
I have installed a Skyview Classic SV1000 (version 15.4.7) + SV-GPS250 + SV-XPNDR
What do I have to do for this configuration is able to send ADS-B output signal ?
Thank you !
How can I use the option "External LEVEL button" when D37 pin 28 is already used for a Thermocouple (I have 2 thermocouples connected on pin 27/28 and 36/37) ?
Can I used another pin for the "External LEVEL button" ?
Thank's for your reply
Hi guys,
I'm trying to connect the Serial Port #3 to an external device.
This external device does only accept the NMEA GPRMC messages
I have connected the wire Tx from Skyview D37-6 pinout (Green with orange stripe) to the NMEA input of my device
I have set up the Rate baud to 9600 on the 2...
You analysis is correct, if your plane has tanks level sensors with good accuracy.. It is not my case. The accuracy is very bad and changing the tank level sensors is too complicated.
So the idea to manage the fuel consumption by using flow is a good alternative.
I just want to validate that it...
I would like to install 2 independant fuel flow sensors, one on each tank pipe
The idea is to check the fuel consummed on each tank.
I know that I have to modify the config file...
But :
is it possible to display :
- total fuel consummed
- fuel consumed for tank 1, for tank 2
- fuel remaining...