Recent content by jsalak

  1. J

    Currently based at KCTJ, West GA Regional in Carrollton, GA. Also have a home and business in...

    Currently based at KCTJ, West GA Regional in Carrollton, GA. Also have a home and business in Panama City, FL where my RV-12 was based for 7-years (KECP). Farm and new house are in GA and I travel back and forth every couple of weeks. Just got back to PC after a couple of days in Orlando. John
  2. J

    Can a add a “canopy open” warning to my RV-12?

    You want to download RV-12 service letter 14-05-22 which tells you how to install/retrofit the canopy open warning switch. You can order the retrofit kit from Van's store, part number ES-00300 for $87.50.
  3. J

    Backup Battery Charge Low alerts

    I suspect it is a software issue and most likely related to the battery charging part of the code. Battery voltage is reading 12.08, a bit low but not bad enough to be triggering low voltage alarms.
  4. J

    Backup Battery Charge Low alerts

    I don't think it is a battery problem. If the voltage was in fact low and triggered the alarm, it would remain displayed. I have had a low battery state in the past and the alarm remains on the message list until the charge state is high enough to hide the message. If you look at the time index...
  5. J

    Backup Battery Charge Low alerts

    Last couple of flights I have been getting a lot of audio alerts 'MESSAGE' with no accompanying text in the message list on the display. Looking at the exported alert file I find a bunch of BACKUP BATT LOW CHARGE alerts that set and immediately clear. These are a bit of a nuisance as there is...
  6. J

    System Event 20 & System Event 21 at startup

    I was plagued by System 3, System 5, and System 20 reboots for 5 months last year. They started right after I updated to 16.5.2, typical event was pulling back power on decent and the system would reboot. The reboots would usually continue to landing once they started. Sent the SV-D1000 back to...
  7. J

    16.4 Update Feedback

    A follow-up on various AP pitch settings, I set all of the non-glideslope pitch values to something close to the minimums and flew in some light chop to see the effects. Still doing a bit of altitude hunting with over and under shoots, however the VSI did not show any numbers higher than 300-400...
  8. J

    16.4 Update Feedback

    I went out today in smooth air to try some more adjustments, the Lost Motion Compensation was interesting setting it to 2 resulted in a short period pitch oscillation, 1 reduced it some, and zero stopped it. I already reduced the G-Error-Limit and G-Error-Gain with not much of an observable...
  9. J

    16.4 Update Feedback

    Went out and flew for a couple of hours today to check out the 16.4 SW. No improvement in the pitch control with a light chop, I was seeing 700-800 FPM in the VSI and speed changes of 10-15 knots with the pitch up and down hunting around the altitude bug. I tried some of the adjustments...
  10. J

    16.4 Update Feedback

    Did the 16.4.0 upgrade today and will test fly it tomorrow. Looking forward to not hearing "BANK ANGLE" anymore. Hopefully I can get a better AP tune with the new guide, the altitude hunting in any kind turbulence is getting old (hysteresis in pretty bad). Not sure why the AP allows such large...
  11. J

    Dynon and Avidyne IFD

    Updated to 16.4.0 today and could not load a FF flight plan to the IFD over the SykView network. Interestingly, the IDF100 is now working on both iPads. The IDF is showing up on FF Devices and lists receiving flight plans in the capability box (same as SkyView). The other odd item is nether iPad...
  12. J

    Dynon and Avidyne IFD

    Spent about an hour on trying to get two iPADs with FF and IFD100 apps to work with my SV-D1000 and IFD540. Avidyne 10.3 made some changes to the network setup and operation, so the first error I made was renaming the default IFD network to the SkyView network name. The default IFD network is an...
  13. J

    Skyview US Aviation/Obstacle Data Update Contents

    My iXpand drive is formatted for exFAT which is not compatible with the FAT32 format required by Dynon. You may want to verify you have FAT32.
  14. J

    Dynon and Avidyne IFD

    I also tried the Capstone over WiFi for ADS-B data from Skyview to the IFD540 with 10.3 and did not have any success. The ADS-B data from Sykview to Foreflight over WiFi works great, I presume that is not the Capstone format the IFD is looking for. All three devices are running on the SkyView...
  15. J

    Backup battery isn't working

    The Dynon battery has in integrated BMS board, so it is a bit more than a 3S2P stack of 18650 cells. If you check SV-BAT-320 Specifications in Appendix B of the SV Installation Guide you will see integrated circuit protection is listed, along with a nominal cell voltage of 11.1v. I check the...