Recent content by Pfactor

  1. P

    Certified Audio Panel/Intercom

    So a inside baseball. The 340 audio panel uses the same tray an inactions as the 340 audio panel sashes the same tray, cantons and basic wiring as . Any ps engineering 8000, 450 . Avidyne or Garmin . You may have to modify the unswicthed inputs for your application but for the most part plug...
  2. P

    Seneca Autopilot

    Morning , I recently completed a senneca 2 installation . I was along a a few test flights with the owner and found the autopilot did a fine jobs in mild to moderate bumps . I did not feel the yaw tendency was as pronounced as a Beechcraft would be . I would suggest a few trips with your yaw...
  3. P

    Procedure Turn Not Displaying

    List shows the flight plans waypoints , I exported it I will look at it and see
  4. P

    Procedure Turn Not Displaying

    Thanks , I have installed dozens of the Skyview systems and none of my customers have ever mentioned it . I just noticed it yesterday in IMC . No big deal at the time and certainly didn’t want to mess with it without and Ap
  5. P

    Procedure Turn Not Displaying

    I have a n HDx and GNS530w all data is up to date . Shooting RNAv yesterday and flight plan displayed on the map the gps was showing the PT but the map in the Dynon did not . The HSI worked as it should and steered my around the pt, but it wasn’t on the map of the Hdx . Scratching my head
  6. P

    Twin engine EMS inputs

    EMS not ema sorry
  7. P

    Twin engine EMS inputs

    No the software for twins only supports to ema units. You’re going to have to run some wires. You can probably ask Dynon to purchase wire they would match up to the 37 pin ems harness
  8. P

    AP Panel Button Inconsistent

    Contact Dynon , the panel needs to go back for repair. It’s a problem I have seen before . I jar recently sent one back for the same issue . The up/down buttons were intermittent