RayH's latest activity

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    RayH replied to the thread Dynon released new WiFi adapter?.
    I don't like using old threads but I had a question. I run a Sky view touch with dongle and also use iFLY. I can't get the traffic to be...
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    RayH reacted to ve0kog's post in the thread ADS-B over WiFi with Like Like.
    I searched and don't see too many iFly references. had some problems with the Dynon relayed traffic as well and bit the bullet and...
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    RayH reacted to Rhino's post in the thread ADS-B over WiFi with Like Like.
    Not sure. I haven't seen it mentioned in a while (or my memory stinks). But a search here can give you some older threads about it.
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    RayH replied to the thread ADS-B over WiFi.
    What are the other people using for their ADSB feed to link their iFLY to?
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    RayH replied to the thread ADS-B over WiFi.
    I have a skyview touch with wifi dongle and use iFLY efb and cannot get the heartbeat to move off of zero and I get no traffic alerts on...
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    RayH reacted to BradThePilot's post in the thread ADS-B over WiFi with Like Like.
    I flew around for a while today, capturing all UDP packets sent by SkyView via wifi to port 4000 on my laptop. While still...
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    I am running a SkyView touch with a Wi-Fi dongle to send info to my tablet running iFLY EFB. I am receiving ADSB on my tablet from the...
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    RayH reacted to chriscalandro's post in the thread ADS-B over WiFi with Like Like.
    I don’t think this is a hardware need or a problem that needs a hardware solution. We just need @Dynon to fix their ADSB WiFi...