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  1. R

    Microair M760 and SkyView

    I'm with you on that N750NM!!! I have the MicroAir M760 and VP-X both going into my RV-8 with dual 10 inch Skyviews.....I'll live with handling the M760 'the old way' if it speeds the VP-X integration along!!! I'm sure I'll upgrade to Dynon's Com module when it comes out and leave the...
  2. R

    Dark Skyview at Initial Power Up (times two)

    Update:  the avionics shop had previously tried the 1,2,5 reboot without success.  I delivered my 3rd new 10" Skyview to them this morning and it powered up on the bench just fine!!   I don't know what the odds of receiving 3 new units and having 2 defective out of the box are but I'm not...
  3. R

    Dark Skyview at Initial Power Up (times two)

    Thanks for the advice, we'll give it a try first thing in the morning and report back!
  4. R

    Dark Skyview at Initial Power Up (times two)

    On Thursday the avionics shop installing a 10" Skyview in my T-28B performed the initial power-up and had a quick screen flash then nothing.  Power indicator is illuminated on back of the unit, but no fans and nothing on the screen.  Voltage was checked, trouble shooting steps followed with no...