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  1. Devin

    IFR Information for next update

    Hello Dynon and fellow aviators. I have a suggestion. Would it be feasible to add decent FPA (Flight Path Angle) and climb Feet per Nautical Mile indicators to the PFD near the vertical speed tape or altimeter? This is just a math calculation as the system knows ground speed and rate of climb or...
  2. Devin

    Keyboard or Cursor control?

    I am wondering if you have any future plans for a keyboard interface and/or a mouse or trackball interface to assist in flight plan creation and quicker waypoint changes while in flight as well as frequency changes for your up-coming comm and transponder options. The Garmin 1000 system has this...
  3. Devin

    Advanced autopilot functions

    Thanks for the link Tom. I love to fly buy like most who are installing EFIS I also like to push buttons. :) Flying IFR however the more the autopilot can do for you the more you can concentrate on other things. Hopefully the feature of autothrottles will be considered. For now I'm very happy...
  4. Devin

    Advanced autopilot functions

    Hello Dynon. This may seem a little over the top but if you're going to go big....go big. How about an auto throttle for the autopilot? I see you have Vnav on the list of future updates. If you could install servos for the throttle and/or prop pitch, controlled via the RPM/MP indicator with...
  5. Devin

    Checklists and W & B

    Hello Dynon. Looking forward to flying with Skyview! Will you be implementing aircraft checklists and a weight and balance sheet in the system? Keep up the good work....