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  1. R

    Capacitance fuel sensors - 10V

    I do have the Dynon version. I cant seem to post a picture to illustrate this, but it does show 10V on pins 8 and 22. Thinking through this...if I had a bad power line, it would read ~0V...if I had a bad ground, it would read ~5V. The 10V throws me...
  2. R

    Capacitance fuel sensors - 10V

    I do not have the Princeton version...the other variety that I believe Dynon sells directly but don't mfg, the name escapes me at the moment...
  3. R

    Capacitance fuel sensors - 10V

    My capacitance fuel sensors wont calibrate. They read 0.71 volts and don't change as I add fuel. They also show a maximum of 10 volts in the debug data screen. Not 5V like I believe they should. Has anyone experienced this...any clues about what to check in my wiring?
  4. R

    Temperature sensors

    Just to finish off this thread. You could go either OAT probe or a multi-purpose TC. I ended up buying some cheap ($5) J-type thermocouples off the internet and installed them in the open pins for general purpose TC's. They work fine...although they seem to read about 3-4 degs F higher...
  5. R

    Temperature sensors

    I want to hook up two general purpose thermocouples, one for cabin temp and one inside the cowl area for a fire warning indication. I expect someone has done this, whats the best method of achieving this? K-type thermocouple? J-type? What kind of sensor should I use? The same as the OAT sensor...
  6. R

    Vertical Power "offline"

    Thanks for the responses gentlemen. Chalk this one up to another one of my boneheaded wiring mistakes. It turns out, I really wasn't receiving packets like I thought I was. A quick check of my wiring revealed that I had wired Rx-Rx and Tx-Tx, instead of the correct configuration of Rx-Tx...
  7. R

    Vertical Power "offline"

    I have a VP-X coupled with a 10” SkyView. I successfully ‘found’ the Vertical power unit on the serial port (showing incoming and outgoing packets) and the vertical power setup page comes up on the SkyView. However, when I go to the “engine” page on the SkyView and push the Vertical Power...
  8. R

    Tachometer and P-mags

    Very good Murray, thanks
  9. R

    Tachometer and P-mags

    I have dual P-mags along with the SkyView system. At the moment, I have connected pin 32 on the SkyView to pin 6 on the left P-mag. I have two questions: 1. Should I be using pins 32/33 or the low voltage pins 34/35 with my P-mags? 2. Do I need both a left and right tach reading? Forgive me if...