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  1. I

    Tachometer Sensor

    I can confirm the UMA/Garmin hall effect sensor in the Magneto works very well with the D120. Ian
  2. I

    Tachometer Sensor

    My concern about using the p lead is the loss of tacho indication until the system changes to the secondary pickup (lightspeed plasma 3) when doing a mag check. Not a major problem but still not the perfect solution.  This was the reason for installing the cable driven sensor. I will order a...
  3. I

    Tachometer Sensor

    I am getting RPM fluctuations with my Vans cable driven tachometer sender so I would like to use a hall effect sensor on my Bendix Magneto.  Would the Garmin  G3X sensor work with the D120?  Are there any others I could consider. Ian Belmore RV-7 almost ready to fly