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  1. G

    Winds Aloft readings with an AvMap GPS

    The issue appears to have been solved as readings are now correct for wind strength & direction. It was fixed by either (1) installing the latest software from AvMap or (2) Deleting the BOD sentence from the AvMap's NMEA stream or (3) both of the above. Over the next week or so I will...
  2. G

    Winds Aloft readings with an AvMap GPS

    Sorry, don't understand, specifically what do you want me to do to solve it?
  3. G

    Winds Aloft readings with an AvMap GPS

    Thanks Jake I would certainly be interested to hear of anything you learn in your testing over the coming days. Have you mucked around with the NMEA setting options "Direct" & "Processed" that are included in the latest software, which AvMap's website says "nmea output comes from GPS to...
  4. G

    Winds Aloft readings with an AvMap GPS

    Have ordered the latest AvMap firmware and data base upgrade, so will fit that when it comes next week and before I respond to you further. HOWEVER, I note in my original installation instructions that you wanted the NMEA sentences to be RMC, RMB, GGA, APB and BOD. Yet in your latest...
  5. G

    Winds Aloft readings with an AvMap GPS

    Thanks Dynon Support and Etienne I'll have a look at all of those points and get back to you. Regards Geoff
  6. G

    Winds Aloft readings with an AvMap GPS

    No worries. I'll have a play and a snap and will get back to you, but it may be a week or 2, probably after Easter. Regards & thanks for your responses so far Geoff
  7. G

    Winds Aloft readings with an AvMap GPS

    Thanks for that. I reckon that the TAS looks right and I have that displayed on the EFIS all the time, and I'm very pleased with the OAT reading that appears to be right based on ground temps and a review of the local temp trace at elevation in this area after the flight (We have a Met Office...
  8. G

    Winds Aloft readings with an AvMap GPS

    Thanks for that. I believe that the OAT is spot-on and the Magnetic Heading is also pretty good ..... so will go back into the AvMap's NMEA output and check that it is set up as discussed in this Forum back in November. FYI - I flew the aircraft this morning where the winds were variable 10...
  9. G

    Winds Aloft readings with an AvMap GPS

    G'day Dynon Support. I have read the other 3 posts on this subject in late Oct & Nov 2007. The on screen readings on my 180 appear to be high and relatively inaccurate and I went searching to see if I could find the reason in my AvMap today. Does your winds aloft readout come from basic data...
  10. G

    Carb temp sensor reading very high

    Thanks very much for your 2 extra responses. The problem is now fixed and it was, indeed, the resistor capacity. As I am just a simple "lever & fulcrum" kind of guy from a mining background it took me a while to determine that the original resistor was wrong, the replacement resistor was sold...
  11. G

    Carb temp sensor reading very high

    Thanks for your quick response. The global setup was at C and the Carb Temp gauge said C below it. I have just also done another global set to C, just in case. As per my post, I have the latest version of your installation instructions and used your latest diagram to double check the way that...
  12. G

    Carb temp sensor reading very high

    G'day Dynon I have a D180 that is near completion of installation at present. The carb temp on GP2 is reading 79C when it should be reading about 23C. I have disassembled and double checked all connections. The sensor is the one with 2 black wires. The 5V excitation circuit is producing 5V...