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  1. B

    Unable to calibrate fuel tanks

    I'm an idiot! I somehow mixed up the rigfht wing and left wing wires so when I started to calibrate the left wing and added gas, I had it switched to the right wing and didn't realize it! Sorry to waste your time. It works great now, even for a computer illiterate idiot like me! I hope I can...
  2. B

    Unable to calibrate fuel tanks

    Went out and checked. The senders are standard VDO resistive senders. They are supposed to show 10 ohms empty and 180 full. Mine start out about 30 and when half full it reads 71.
  3. B

    Unable to calibrate fuel tanks

    I'm at home now and just going from memory, but I think the values were from a low of around 23 ohms to a half filled (5/10 gallons in a square tank) of about 57 ohms. I'm just going from memory but I think I'm fairly close. Thanks for the reply! I sure love the Dynon! Bob
  4. B

    Unable to calibrate fuel tanks

    I have resistor type fuel senders in a Zenith Ch-701. I have set the program for a type 1 sender (resistance type) and although I have checked the wiring from the sender over and over I cannot make the 180 recongnize the senders as I add gas in 1 gallon increments. I have measured the...