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  1. F

    Fuel Tank Naming Protocol

    Any chance that the next firmware update can include the additional options in the fuel tank descriptive section of "Front" and Rear"? As my name suggests I'm building a Falco, which has tanks in the fuselage, one ahead of the instrument panel and one behind the cockpit. The original options...
  2. F

    D180 - HS34 Interface

    Thanks for the prompt responses guys - the problem has been resolved. As I said above, I re-checked the wiring continuity and pinout details, but unfortunately I had the gender of the D25 connectors the wrong way around! In my own defence, I was following the format for the D180 installation...
  3. F

    D180 - HS34 Interface

    I've just installed the D180 and HS34 and am having a problem getting them to communicate. When trying to configure the D180 for the HS34 I get the message that the HS34 is not connected. I've checked the DSAB wiring (blue/green pair) continuity and pinout details and also the power and ground...