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  1. G

    edc connection

    I have a efis d-10A with edc remote compas I checked wiring I am not getting voltage at pin 1 and 6 at the remote, what voltage does the efis send to the remote compas trying to see if I have some wires crossed thanks Gary
  2. G

    Remote compass

    Heres how all this got started I have a older d-10a always had compas errors talked to tech. support they said I have old software need to update so this winter I got a laptop downloaded the software in the D-10-A thats when it said edc not found still downloaded software though. So I got to...
  3. G

    Remote compass

    I have a d-10A with the remote compass when I did the software update it said remote compass not found so today I went to the airport to do the headset test and compass moved when I got the headset close to the efis I went to calabration mode were it should of said remote compass not detected...
  4. G

    D10-A Magnatometer

    I,m installing the magnatometer in my glasair , I don't see a directional arrow on it any help