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  1. J

    RMI nav function

    Here's a report on how it worked for me - as in almost, but not quite perfect. After I pressed the NAV button on the Garmin SL-30, tuned a VOR frequency into the standby side of the Garmin, and swapped the frequency over to the active side, the green CDI and yellow RMI pointer came up on the...
  2. J

    RMI nav function

    Here's the link (I needed two posts before I could add a link):
  3. J

    RMI nav function

    I just realized that reply #5 in this other more recent thread may offer the solution.  According to this poster, I need to push the Garmin's NAV button twice to make the Garmin's display and the Dynon's display (orange RMI pointer) provide me with info re the bearing to the standby VOR. (link...
  4. J

    RMI nav function

    Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I searched for an answer and this subject seemed closest to providing an answer. I train in a plane that has a Dynon EFIS-D100 fed by a Garmin SL30 NavCom, but no HS-34. The EFIS includes an HSI consisting of a DG with a VOR overlay. If possible, I...