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  1. F

    D100 - Black screen - question on firmware

    Yes, i have tried all of the above. The battery has been disconnected (with the D100) out of the aircraft and when reconnected still does not boot up. The only thing I haven't done is try to see if the RS232 is alive with the unit out of the machine. If this fails then I have no option but to...
  2. F

    D100 - Black screen - question on firmware

    Neither works. The following are the symptoms... 1. There is power to Pin 1 2. The battery is fully charged (>12V) 3. When installed in the aircraft, the D100 does not boot up whether the battery is installed or not. 4. When the the D100 is removed from the aircraft, it does not boot...
  3. F

    D100 - Black screen - question on firmware

    My D-100 was working yesterday morning.  I shut it down correctly and when I went flying again yesterday afternoon I could not get the unit to power up with either external power or internal battery power.  What can I do?