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  1. C

    D180 Fuel Flow, Rotax 912, and Red Cube sensor?

    Excellent info! Since it looks like I’m returning about 1.2 gph I think I can make this work.
  2. C

    D180 Fuel Flow, Rotax 912, and Red Cube sensor?

    My plane is not an RV-12 but a Zenith CH701. I’ve seen that PRE-SETS document and found it extremely useful for D-180 setup. I actually have a Red-Cube sensor in the return fuel line but gave up trying to use it. I spent months of experimenting trying to get it to work correctly. I have a...
  3. C

    D180 Fuel Flow, Rotax 912, and Red Cube sensor?

    I’m using a D180 with a Rotax 912 and a Red Cube flow sensor. I have the fuel return line installed from the fuel rail back to the tank. With the return line blocked off I get a pretty reasonable fuel flow and consumption with a K-Value of 65000. With the return line restored, I get a K-Value...
  4. C

    D180 fuel consumed since last fill-up

    If I understand correctly, the “GALS USED” is restarted upon each engine start. Is there a way to get the gallons used since last fill-up?