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  1. G

    ADSB-470 antenna, part 2

    A belated 2nd part to my original question:  Does the 3 ft. separation requirement between the transponder and comm. antennas also apply to the ADSB-470 antenna?  Seems to me it would, but, if it's mentioned in the Installation Guide, I missed it.  If it does apply, are the separation...
  2. G

    ADSB-470 Question

    Please clarify the ADSB-470 antenna installation requirements. Page 14-6 of the Installation Guide says a minimum 2 ft. should separate the ADSB-470 from the transponder antenna. The unit itself, antennas, or both? I suspect the instructions apply to both, but my RV-8 fuselage doesn't provide...
  3. G

    ADAHRS attaching hardware

    Don't know if this has been previously covered. Ref. Install. Guide Rev N sections "System Planning" and "ADAHRS Installation": Page 2-7 says stainless mounting hardware not recommended. Page 5-4 says use stainless or brass. Contradiction? I'm thinking 300-series stainless mach. screws and...
  4. G

    Antenna Installation

    Am building an RV8. 2 related questions: 1) What is the max antenna cable length recommended for the 261 X-ponder, and 2) Is there a minimum distance recommended for the proximity of the ADAHRS unit to antennas, comm. and/or X-ponder? Don't see these issues addressed in the installation...
  5. G

    ADAHRS Installation Par Deux

    The only other dimension I need is from the underside of the mounting plate to the centerline of the inlet ports. I've swagged it at 0.5", but suspect it's a bit more. The exact dimension would help me nail down my mounting bracket design. Thanks for the help.
  6. G

    ADAHRS Installation Par Deux

    This is a follow-up to my original post.  What is the spacing between the pneumatic ports on the ADAHRS?  I would like to close-couple 90 deg. elbows and the best I could do would be AN822 (pipe-to-flared tube) directly into the ports.  But I suspect that the spacing would allow these only in...
  7. G

    ADAHRS Installation

    I will be installing Skyview in my RV8 project and want to nail down a location for the ADAHRS. After reading many threads on the general subject of "magnetometer" locations I'm as unsure now as I was when I started. Mounting it on a bracket riveted to the aft side of the F808B bulkhead (aft...