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  1. A

    D-10A w/ GNS530W, SL30, HS34 and a mech CDI?

    Jacques, Excellent information, thank you. Yes, I agree that a dual D-10A setup with Dynon AP servos would be the better solution. However, I already have the Gemini and a Trio Pro Pilot installed, and the driving reason I'm installing the D-10A is I found a used one at a discount (AND I...
  2. A

    D-10A w/ GNS530W, SL30, HS34 and a mech CDI?

    Hello, I've searched my brains out but can't find exactly what I need answered. I'm installing a D-10A & HS34 to be used primarily as an EHSI (I've already got a Gemini PFD) to replace my vacuum DG. I have a Garmin 530W w/ analog connections to a G-106A CDI. I also have an SL-30 with analog...