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  1. B

    EFIS D10 heading errors

    Hi, Angles are the same between the units. When on the ground, we are sitting slightly tail low compared to in flight and this may have some bearing on the errors noted on the compass system, but does not answer the errors we see intermittently on the temperature. Have checked the system again...
  2. B

    EFIS D10 heading errors

    Thanks Carl, Yes, we thought the same with the elevated OAT readings when we had the probe in the belly, thats one of the reasons why we went for the wing root. The errors we get in flight can be anything up to +20C . Last flight we were at 9500 feet and were indicating +29C and the reading was...
  3. B

    EFIS D10 heading errors

    Hi again, The system is a D10A and we checked what you asked. There is no deviation when a magnet is moved near the panel mounted unit, but when placed near the remote sensor, the compass card moves accordingly. Also, for a further test, the ambient temperature did match the OAT gauge at +17 C...
  4. B

    EFIS D10 heading errors

    Hi, I really need some serious technical assistance with this one. We recently installed a D10 system with remote mag sensor and temp probe as a backup in a 1967 Cessna 210. We installed the mag sensor just aft of the main gear wheel wells with the temp probe under the belly about 4 feet aft...