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  1. K

    CHT problems on Jabiru 3300

    Any more to add?. We really need advice.
  2. K

    CHT problems on Jabiru 3300

    Sorry about the typing error The readings were as follow: Calibrated Thermo-couple 95 156 204 Analog left 100 160 205 Analog right 100 159 204 Dynon Highest 101 164 209 Dynon lowest 101 163 207
  3. K

    CHT problems on Jabiru 3300

    I have done a test on the CHT's by butting the normally highest and normally lowest Dynon probe together with the temporary analog gauge as well as a calibrated thermo-couple. The following data was measured: Calibrated thermo-couple 95 156 204 degree C Analog left...
  4. K

    CHT problems on Jabiru 3300

    Will do
  5. K

    CHT problems on Jabiru 3300

    I will investigate further by putting the highest and lowest Dynon probe, plus the two analog probes as well as a calibrated thermocouple in the same heat source. I will send the results as soon as it is done.
  6. K

    CHT problems on Jabiru 3300

    I am having problems with EGT and CHT readings on a Jabiru 3300. The CHT on some of the cylinders are 50 degrees C higher than a temporary analoge gauge. I have read some of the previous discussions and have confirmed that the termocouple wiring, probe diamtre and leakage is OK. What else can I do.