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  1. A

    HS34 and Collins VIR-351

    Thanks DS, I had gathered that was the case from what I had read previously. I think I will still give it a try. If it doesn't work, well I can cross that bridge when it comes. Maybe I'll just spring for the SL30. Are the compatibility problems with the resolver or the voltage levels or...
  2. A

    HS34 and Collins VIR-351

    Has anyone tried to connect the HS34 with a Collins VIR-351 Nav? From what I've read, this combo *should* work. THe collins has built-in VOR/LOC converter, and works with the same set of CDIs as the GNS400/500 series. I'm hoping to use the D10A as an HSI with this NAV and the collins GLS-350...