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  1. djones

    adsb traffic

    I was flying yesterday with traffic for the first time. I noticed on targets that were adsb out, I had N number displayed below the target and it was switching to another 4 digit number that I assume was their squawk code. I have been unable to verify if that was what it was. The manuals make...
  2. djones

    Is terrain airspeed adjustable?

    Is the airspeed at which the terrain is switched on adjustable. Mine keeps flashing from the sectional to terrain and back while taxiing. Can't find anything about it in the manuals.
  3. djones

    Caution message after 7.0

    I upgraded to 7.0 this morning and now have a caution message saying "GPS for Transponder is offline" or something to that effect. I don't have the dynon transponder and no ADSB. I am sure it's just a setting, haven't had time to play with it. What's the fix??
  4. djones

    Manifold Pressure Sensor

    I have been having issues with the manifold pressure sensor. If entering the pattern at the airport, as I slowly reduce power to idle, the manifold pressure goes to the red X then will go back to reading once engine rpm (or engine vacuum) has decreased. Acts like the sensor goes open beyond a...
  5. djones

    Fuel Flow Data Averaging

    I was wondering if it would be possible to incorporate some sort of averaging software on the carbureted fuel flow readings on the display. In steady state cruise flight, the fuel flow varies about one gallon/ hour as the float opens and closes the needle and seat. It is mainly a display...
  6. djones

    Autopilot Pitch Problem

    I now have 13 hours on my Skyview system. The autopilot has been working great until Sunday. If when in level flight, I enter the altitude for the altitude I wish to fly (and currently am flying at) engage the autopilot and it commands a huge pitch up and heads for the stars. I actually think...
  7. djones

    CDI/Compass Rose Missing

    I have flown 4 hours now with 5.1 with no problems.  This morning when the system booted up the CDI was gone and the G meter was in it's place.  On the PFD page I can not turn the nav screen on or the G meter off.  Rebooted system again, no change.  The buttons appear to work on the pfd page as...
  8. djones

    5.1 Update Issue

    Just a heads up, when I updated to 5.1,  I had to remap both of the kavlico fuel pressure and oil pressure sensors.  After the update both had red x's on them and said cfg?  Was a easy to deal with, just be aware. By the way, flew with it this morning, 1.3 hours no issues, and the logs look...
  9. djones

    Advanced Autopilot

    Spent some time talking to the guys in the Dynon booth at Oshkosh and learned that the advanced autopilot is going to have a panel mounted switch module similar to previous autopilots from Dynon. (somewhat business card sized is what I was told) The question I have is.... are there plans for a...