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  1. M

    Added: CO Guardian support

    Hello, The latest edition (version AD) of the installation guide lists in the changes section that support was added for the CO Guardian monitor. I looked through the whole manual but couldn't find anything, neither terms CO (monitor), Guardian are mentioned anywhere in the installation manual...
  2. M

    Power-on and -off operations changed

    Still running my Skyview setup on the bench in the (wooden) garage, but installed the new 15.3 version software and updated the 472 firmware. I now saw my first plane reporting it's overhead position. Prior to the installation the Skyview system would come on when I switched the battery power on...
  3. M

    Pressure sensor stopped working

    I have a legacy Dynon fuel pressure sensor (100411-000) and I installed it in my project, initially it worked fine, gave a zero pressure reading on the display (in my garage) but recently it stopped working (red cross). I tried to reinstall old configuration files but that didn't help. When I...
  4. M


    hello, is there anything known about the parameter values for the WIDGET_FLAPS? the WIDGET_FLAPS shows the flaps pointing upward when the flaps are retracted and horizontal when the flaps are extended, is there any way to rotate this image to make it match the outside view more: eg horizontal...