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  1. Bardample

    Abnormal RPM,Amps Readings : Where to Start Trouble shooting

    I fly a vfr Vans RV7a with a Classic 10 Skyview, now about 8 years old with 400 hrs on the clock. All readings have been stable until today. I had an over speed indication of 2720 rpm on take off on three occasions today.I had previously adjusted the governor some time ago to keep the rpm max...
  2. Bardample

    Tachometer connections to Emag and EMS pins

    I currently have 2 magnetos with R and L p leads connected to pin 32 and 33 on EMS plug for my classic Skyview. I wish to install 2 Emags on my Lyc IO 360, but am unsure if I take the wires from Pin 6 on each emag and connect to pins 32 and 33, or can I continue to use the wires already...
  3. Bardample

    Installation Monkworkz Aux Alternator

    I wish to add a Monkworkz Aux Alternator as a backup for my B and C Alternator. It will be in parallel to main alt and be wired on the switched side of battery contactor, using shunt as for main alternator. I am unsure which pins to wire the fusible links for this shunt , so I can monitor...
  4. Bardample

    Auto Pilot Flies Left Wing Low

    I have an RV7a, with Dynon servos. The plane flies wings level with usually no aileron trim needed, but some R rudder trim with a tab on rudder to keep ball centred. When I turn on autopilot ( in simple mode) using HSI Track function, the left wing tends to drop (, ball stays in middle), and...
  5. Bardample

    Ammeter erroneous reading

    I have 375 hr Skyview Classic set up on RV7a. Yesterday the ammeter ( that usually reads 7 amps Alt output at cruise) alarmed and gave negative readings, with highly variable numbers. The voltage reading from my B&C Alternator remained steady at 14.3 volts . I concluded it was a loose fitting or...
  6. Bardample

    Serial Port setup for CO Detector (GD 40 FDS)

    Serial Port setup for Flight Data Systems GD 40 Carbon Monoxide Detector. I have wired the above monitor as per Dynon Install Manual, but on setup can not find a relevant match for this device that warns of rising Carbon monoxide levels in cabin. Can you please advise how I set this up so I get...
  7. Bardample

    Wiring Auto Disconnect Switch

    I am connecting the pitch and roll servos to ( the yellow wire) to my Ray Allen 205 joy stick using SPDT switch #4, so it canbe used as rapid auto pilot disconnect . Dynons installation drawing shows a momentary operated switch which goes to ground to disconnect autopilot. Ray Allens 205 switch...