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  1. R

    Foreflight holding pattern to Skyview

    Recently, fooling around on a VFR flight, I created a holding pattern at a waypoint part of a routing in Foreflight and pushed it to Skyview while Autopilot engaged. The holding pattern appeared correctly on the Skyview map and the Autopilot executed perfectly the Offset entry and the first...
  2. R

    Update for Canada: US and West EU or other?

    Hi, does anyone now if the "US and Western Europe only" software updates includes data usable for canadian based aircraft, or should I dowload the version for the "rest of the world"? Does the "rest of the world" database include USA? As I plan to fly occasionnaly to the USA, I hope to have the...
  3. R

    Trim with SV-AP-PANEL vs VP-X sanity check

    Hi all, I'm almost finished wiring a RV-8. Skyview HDX, pitch and roll servos, Ray Allen Pitch Trim. Sanity check for me concerning Trim wiring. Not having at that time received the Dynon Skyview goodies, I initially connected the Ray Allen Pitch Trim 5 wires and the trim switches to VP-X as...