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  1. C

    Battery drain

    Same question with D180. My battery was dead yesterday and I'm trying to figure out what might have pulled it down. I have the KA attached and do not have the internal BB in my D180. Will the KA pull enough to drain the aircraft battery with no BB installed in the EFIS? Mark
  2. C

    TAS calibration

    Yeah DB, I meant to multiply by 100, shows you were reading the post!  :)  I understand what you're saying about the fudge factor, but let me add another data point.  I have two airspeed indicators.  One is the Dynon EFIS, the other is an analog round dial.  Both indicators agree within a knot...
  3. C

    TAS calibration

    You may be right about the assumption of a static system error, but that can be a hard nut to crack.  The aircraft is an RV8, and the static system was built according to plans with the parts supplied by Van's aircraft.  A 5 knot error at high speed cruise seems to be worst case from the testing...
  4. C

    TAS calibration

    After completing multiple GPS patterns, I have found that my displayed TAS is consistently 5 Knots high at cruise speed.  I know that a couple of years ago this was discused and Dynon said there was merit to adding a TAS calibration to the EFIS.  Since TAS is used in the calculation of wind...
  5. C

    Clock problem after 5.0 update

    I do not have the GPS powered up when the D180 is booted up. That's when I notice that the clock is wrong. When the GPS is powered up with the radios, the D180 will fix its clock. When everything is turned off and restarted again, however, the D180 clock will be wrong again. I do have keep...
  6. C

    Clock problem after 5.0 update

    I am having the same issue. I only have a singe D180, and an AvMap EKP180 connected. My clock is now reseting at every boot up. Another issue which may or may not be connected: On my time page there is no soft key to reset the trip timer. Mark