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  1. D

    Kavlico Sensors

    I see in the latest firmware for the EMS-D10 that "Support for new Kavlico brand pressure sensors sold by Dynon" has been added. Where are these sensors for sale as I can't find them in your shop? David
  2. D

    AP different climb/descend rates

    I have a suggestion for 5.3. I think it would be really useful to be able to configure (in the AP Setup page) a different VS for climb and descent. I fly an RV-9 and would like the climb VS to be 1000ft/min but that is a bit too quick for the descent, which I would like to configure at...
  3. D

    Shear Pin

    Paul, I have just learnt that the LAA have approved my Dynon Pitch and Roll installation in my RV-9 Regards David
  4. D

    Shear Pin

    They wanted to test on the inner hole (1" from pivot centre). Presumably as someone might connect it that way. I can't remember which RV you have but if it is not a 9 then the push rod attachment to the bell crank direct rather than through an attach plate. I think you should be using 1.5" for...
  5. D

    Shear Pin

    Paul, It is 100 in/lb (see page 6-10 of the EFIS-D10A install guide). I've just done a similar test for the LAA on the RV-9. I had to apply 150lb along the push rod and check for any deformation of the attach plate and hardware (which there was none). Regards David
  6. D

    Autopilot Firmware Upgrade

    I would just like to make sure I understand the instructions on the firmware upgrade page for 5.2. I have an EFIS-D10A, EDC-D10A, EMS-D10, AP74 & 2xServos. The way I read it I should: Update the EMS Update the EFIS (and EDC) with no power to the AP74 and Servos Run a DSAB config Power up the...
  7. D

    Testing Documentation

    Paul, I have received a reply to my Mod-2. They can't see any issues provided my inspector is happy with the stiffness of the roll servo mount. I have fitted it and it is solid. Just need to complete the wiring and get inspector sign off.
  8. D

    Testing Documentation

    Paul, I currently have a Mod form in with the LAA for fitting the Autopilot to my RV-9. I have stated that it will be installed in accordance with the Dynon instructions. They haven't responded yet but it's only been 3 months! Regards David G-RVDG
  9. D

    New Feature Request: Propeller Redline Alarm

    This is something I had previously asked for when the change was made in 5.0 to use the RPM redline for the power calc. So please add me to the list.
  10. D

    % Power with v5

    Personally I would like to see it as % of rated power even though I know I could never get 100% For example I use the % power to make sure I don't lean too much when the power is > 75%. I guess with v5 it will still be safe as 75% indicated will actually be lower than the rated 75% power...
  11. D

    % Power with v5

    In the release notes for v5.0 it states: Improved: Modified percent power calculation for Lycoming and Continental engines to account for engine RPM red line, not compression ratio. When EMS > SETUP > GLOBAL > ENGINE TYPE is set to LY/CON, then the Tachometer HI RED/YEL parameter is factored...
  12. D

    Tach Time Issue

    Hi Mike, I replied to the email with the backup on the 8th June and also to the general support address on the 13th June but haven't received a reply yet. I don't know if your spam filter has filtered me or you are just busy :) Regards David
  13. D

    Tach Time Issue

    No I haven't changed it, it's been 2500 since I installed the unit. The only thing I can think of that might not be 'standard' is the one mag input is from the mag and set at 1 pulse/rev and the other is fed from the lightspeed ignition and set at 2 pulse/rev.
  14. D

    Tach Time Issue

    Ok, I have some more information. The flickering didn't happen when the unit was switched on agian. I then did a bit of flying and downloaded the data log from the unit. The first couple of flights recorded as expected, I did the second at a low rpm to prove the tach time was running less then...
  15. D

    Tach Time Issue

    I haven't flown since so I don't know about the dithering. I might be flying over the weekend so I will check then. I'm using 4.0.4 updated a couple of flights ago. Yes, 2500 is the value set in the Tachometer setting page.
  16. D

    Tach Time Issue

    I have been using Hobbs time to record flights up until today when I decided to start using Tach Time. I set the tach time to the same as the hobbs and the cruise rpm setting to 2500. I then flew 2 flights. The first started at 44.9 Tach and ended at 45.6 and the hobbs at 45.8, about right for...
  17. D

    Transponder Ground Switch

    It's a Filser TRT 800A. Although it can accept an import from a GPS it doesn't have the features you describe. David
  18. D

    Transponder Ground Switch

    I'm not sure how the EFIS unit is wired internally so I don't know if this is possible with existing units or not. Would it be possible to use one of the unsed outputs as a standby/flight switch for a transponder (grounded if 'on ground'). The way I see it working would be to ground below a...
  19. D

    % Power

    I know the new firmware hasn't been released yet but I would like to make a suggestion. In the press release you mention that for the % power function to work the EMS needs to be connected to an EFIS, presumably this is for altitude information. Unfortunately I don't have this setup, however I...
  20. D

    Contacts & software updates

    If it was me I would use a dual-pole switch for the fuel pump. Connect one side as normal to switch +12v for the pump and the other side to switch ground to the D-120