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  1. AviatorJoe

    Uncommanded Autopilot Engagement

    Yeah, I looked at the AP Status and both pitch and yaw servos show the disconnect switch as "PRESSED"
  2. AviatorJoe

    Uncommanded Autopilot Engagement

    I've seen them on here but, that's true! Thanks.
  3. AviatorJoe

    Uncommanded Autopilot Engagement

    About 8 minutes into warming my Rotax, the autopilot came on and then disconnected several times, announcing "Autopilot......Autopilot Disconnect" each time. Then it stopped. I flew for an hour with no issues. It didn't happen on the warmup for the return flight at all. The very next day, I got...
  4. AviatorJoe

    Runway Centerline Markers not on Flight Plan Destination?

    UPDATE: When I created the above flight plan in Sky View, the markers were there. Yet, looking at the XML file (GPX version), the only difference is in the creator tag which is creator="SkyVector" vs creator="Dynon Avionics Sky View"
  5. AviatorJoe

    Runway Centerline Markers not on Flight Plan Destination?

    I'm thinking I don't have an option set up properly, but can't seem to find it. When I use Direct To, is see the centerline markers when I get to the destination airport. I rarely import a flight plan, but I imported from SkyVector for a recent flight. It included two overfly airports. When the...
  6. AviatorJoe


    I was getting ADS-B Partial sometimes here in northern Ohio. It also seems to be reported as ADS-B No Radar. From the user guide: An ADS-B system is reporting that it does not know about radar traffic targets, or that it is not receiving information from any ADS-B ground station (in this case...
  7. AviatorJoe

