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  1. M

    Unstable AH/Compass display

    It was an owner supplied unit. I'll need to make more enquiries as to its history and background. When supplied, the owner stated that he got it from the aircraft manufacturer. Thanks for the info.
  2. M

    Unstable AH/Compass display

    I have not yet tried to update the firmware and the replacement unit was delivered with much older firmware (V01.08 I think). I am now guessing this should have been upgraded. Is it likely that this will help my problem?
  3. M

    Unstable AH/Compass display

    I am currently involved in troubleshooting a Dynon EFIS-D100 installed in a Jabiru J160C. The display was originally replaced due to an intermittant fault (old unit sometimes failing to turn on at all). Once the replacement unit was installed I have had an intermittant problem with the...