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    GPS 250 not working - NO GPS position source

    I have only one display and the gps is connected to it. Will try to check wiring once more to see if any connections are loose.. thanks, will be back :)
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    GPS 250 not working - NO GPS position source

    Dear After updating firmware/software to the newest version, included high, medium and low resolution map, SV is not showing a map. Any suggestions, where to start? GPS 250 was working fine till now.. It is installed at COM port 5, position 1. With no TX and many errors. Thanks :)
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    Display Start Up

    I can not start my SkyWiev. It started with 2/3 dead screen. I could use 1st third but I could not se the rest. After couple og restarts (included restart: button 1,2 and5) it got cold. Tried with new update with no result. It gets cold after some seconds. What to do? Best regards OY-9319
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    Hey Got Alt readout with one wire... Nice. But not knowing the posibility, I bought converter. I am not sure, if converter will in future have som usefull funktion. Had a avionics technician looking at the converter and SkyView. He wrote: ATT: To whom at Dynon Avionics it might concern...
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    No result. Had a men check it all. He is working with avionics on chopers in the army. He sad, that there is no life in the converter... :(
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    Hello I am using multi wire converter at this time. Thanks for helping out OY9319
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    Hey Jake... I think so... but if you have experience, tell me please.. I beleive that 328 and 327/330 has same platform... How did you do it?
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    Thanks for your reply. Wiring is dubblechecked and should be OK. I have tryed to connect it with only one wire too. No respond on xponder. Any suggestion how to test if converter is working? Thanks
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    Hello Almost done. Everything is working except ALT read out. Need help! I have Garmin GTX 328 xponder. Moved out my AK 350 encoder and bought Dynon converter (without knowing that is possible to use only one wire from SV to Xponder). Wiring is exact but I do not have ALT read out on xponder...
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    Fuel flow and AOA

    Hello. Looking forward to receive Skyview. I already got FuelFlow transducer and it's wired to Brauniger EFIS/EMS. It shows fuel cosumption and quanity of fuel left in tanks. I just have to input quantity/amount of liter/gallons, when I am filling the fueltank. The rest is math in computer. Does...