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  1. F

    EFIS100 datalog ERROR4

    Hi all, just tried to activate data logging on our EFIS100. Unfortunatly I had an Error displayed that I couldn't interprete. What does " DATALOG CONFIG > RECORDING: ERROR 4 " mean? Can I do anything to resolve this? Thanks for your help and all the best for you and your families for the new...
  2. F

    How to protect the setup from unintended mod.

    Meanwhile, surfing through the configuration software's help file, I found what I was looking for. I have to play the role of an OEM... ...and never forget the password  ::)
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    How to protect the setup from unintended mod.

    Hi Phantompholly, thanks for your reply. Taking a backup after setup is what i will do anyway. But this is just the second best solution. This will put me into the position of a firefighter, always ready to run and restore.. ;-) From what I found searching around the forum, there must be...
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    How to protect the setup from unintended mod.

    Hi all, our flying club bought a used plane with installed EMS and EFIS. Since the technical and english language knowledge of the numerous pilots varies in a wide range, I would like to protect all the setup functions from modification. (in other words: make it foolproof) Is there a way to...
  5. F

    How software handles fuel level calibration curve

    Hi all, our flying club bought a used plae with installed EMS and EFIS. The EMS as we took over the plane, the fuel level calibration lacked in the EMS. We succeeded to successfully calibrate the level sensor according to the manual, but an important question remained. For the first 5 Liters...