Search results

  1. mmarien

    AMP Reading appears to low

    Your battery is for starting the airplane. After that who cares. The battery doesn't as it's job is done. It could be dead and the plane will still fly. The avionics will still work and the lights will stay on as long as the alternator is working. If the battery is dead or I have no battery I...
  2. mmarien

    Audio Warning "CHOOSE"

    I've had my passengers complain about my landings but never the airplane. ;)
  3. mmarien

    New EMS Widget needles and text

    The labels are a little brighter.
  4. mmarien

    How to connect SERVO disengage stick button [ch8265][ch65039][ch10067]

    Yes. I believe that is the standard method shown on figure 114 - page 10-10 of the Installation manual. I did it a little different. I used a terminal block. I cut the four network wires that were going by and wired them to one side of the terminal block. I crimped them into the same ring...
  5. mmarien

    Wide Band Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) Indication

    I used the PLX device. It uses the Bosch o2 sensor: I've been using the same sensor for a few years and it still works. I run LOP (AFR 15+) and there is little lead in my exhaust. I believe if you run 300+ CHT it burns the...
  6. mmarien

    How to connect SERVO disengage stick button [ch8265][ch65039][ch10067]

    Skyview sorts out which servo serves what function (pitch/roll) during the calibration procedure. So the wiring can be identical for each servo.
  7. mmarien

    New EMS Widget needles and text

    15.3.4 is on the right.
  8. mmarien

    SV-AP Panel Breaker Rating

    My apologies. I must have miss read the gist of you post. Maybe table 98 on page 18-5 is what you are looking for. Power for the AP panel is supplied by the Skyview network.
  9. mmarien

    SV-AP Panel Breaker Rating

    The breaker is to protect the wire. There is nothing incorrect about putting in a bigger breaker as long as it will protect the wire. So put in a 5A breaker and a wire big enough (18AWG) to support that current and you are good. The AP panel will not draw more then 4A so the breaker will never...
  10. mmarien

    Wide Band Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) Indication

    Been done. Search for AFR or try here:
  11. mmarien

    New EGTs display but don't log

    Eric. Every time you change a setting or install new updates, the logs add the -PART_XX. If you add a gauge in the settings then the columns are changed in the log files so a log reader would be messed up with a change in the middle of a log file.
  12. mmarien

    New Feature? Virtual Glide Slope with Dynon GPS???

    I believe there always has been vertical guidance if you have VNAV setup in settings. On the following screen shot the purple V in the vertical speed indicator will take you right to the altitude above the waypoint at the specified vertical speed that you have specified in the VNAV settings...
  13. mmarien

    How Do You Change The Widget Arc?

    As RayInGA mentioned, what you saw were custom changes to the widgets (gauges) with a text editor. I wrote some documentation. It is becoming outdated with the new HDX layouts but for the most part it is still relevant. Attached is a PDF file.
  14. mmarien

    out of serial ports

    Lacking any existing sources of NMEA data streams, ACK suggests using a handheld GPS receiver. Plenty of the handhelds can be wired into the panel and provide NMEA data. I used my GPS495 for a while. The limit of Skyview serial ports does come up once in a while. There is a poll here discussing...
  15. mmarien

    AP Panel Level Button to work in simplified mode?

    Part of my passenger briefing is to describe how the level button works. If they are really interested, I'll put the plane in an mild unusual attitude and get them to push the button. Trying the ELT button or the fire extinguisher is not allowed.
  16. mmarien

    Auto Pilot - Simplified or Advanced?

    This comment may be directed at my comment: From watching some Air Safety Institute videos I'll agree that some accidents could have been avoided had the pilot been more knowledgeable about the systems in their airplane. An AP becomes a handy tool when inadvertently flying into IMC if the pilot...
  17. mmarien

    Auto Pilot - Simplified or Advanced?

    I think it's worth figuring out a few of the expert mode functions even if you don't use them all. I'm VFR only and use expert mode for a few reasons. One is I can set the altitude and hand fly around a area without worrying about my altitude. Works great over a city with instructions to...
  18. mmarien

    Xdr 261 causing servo fail?

    Little late in getting back here, but I had the same problem. Pitch servo going offline and noise through my radio. I moved my transponder antenna and it fixed both problems.
  19. mmarien

    GPS Epoch Issues?

    My airplane may crash if I don't update the Skyview software? Boy, you guys are hard!
  20. mmarien

    Bluetooth Intercom/Audio Panel

    Jake - BT connected to the panel has some benefits. I connected a car BlueTooth adapter ($90 on Amazon) to my GTR 200 and use it for streaming music to the whole cockpit. That doesn't happen with a headset BT. When I connect to my iPad I also get the ForeFlight audio warnings. My calls also...