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  1. Carsten

    EDC-D10A installation

    Oh No No, thats the reason, i have purchased the EFIS-D10A and the EDC-D10A with OAT Probe by Aircraft S.... but I have received an EDC-10 S/N 001652 I think they don´t no the differnce between the EDC-10 and EDC-10A I must bought a new one or is it possible to change something in the...
  2. Carsten

    EDC-D10A installation

    Hello, i have moved the magnet in front of the EFIS-D10A. there is realy no connection betweeen the EFIS and the EDC. Carsten
  3. Carsten

    EDC-D10A installation

    Hello, yes of course i have checked each connector pair from end to end. The "headset test" is rotating the compass. The Support programm 2.2.4 shows no edc detected. Carsten
  4. Carsten

    EDC-D10A installation

    Hello , i have checked all wires. My RS232 cable works fine. Here is a picture of the female D9 backside I think it is correct. Carsten
  5. Carsten

    EDC-D10A installation

    Hello, I have connected the wiring as specified to the EDC DB-9 connector Now I want to setup the EDC in the Menu (Software 02.11) There is no item EDC in the Menu System More>Setup>More>More>Magcal>EDC My EFIS-D10A has only GNDRT AIRRGT AIRLFT END I can't choose between EDC or EFIS Is this...