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  1. D

    D-100 MAGCAL

    There is no need to level your taildragger to calibrate. I went through this one when I installed a D-10A in my RV-4 a few months back. My compass is dead on after using a compass rose at a local airport.
  2. D

    D-100 MAGCAL

    I checked Tom's installation and he had installed the remote compass upside down, under the top of the airplane's fiberglass nose section (engine is in the rear). He configured a new mount and re-installed the compass with the tabs down. He then attempted another MAGCAL, but with the same...
  3. D

    D-100 MAGCAL

    I was assisting a friend who just bought a D-100 calibrate his compass. On the first attempt, I forgot to enter the inclination first, but then, like my D10A, I entered the mag. inclination and then went to the MAGCAL page. Using a wet compass, I went throught the procedure and cardinal...
  4. D

    Software Upgrade

    Another cyber mystery, or maybe botched fingers on my part. I downloaded the update again and the .efs extension is there. I'll update the EFIS tomorrow. Thanks for all the help.
  5. D

    Software Upgrade

    Richard, Thanks for sharing your experience.  I'm sure you're right and it's safe to upload, but even with a right click using Windows XP on my PC, Properties doesn't show an extension for the program, but it does for the Support Program.  My laptop has Windows 98 and doesn't show the extension...
  6. D

    Software Upgrade

    After finally installing my D10A, loaded with software version 02.08, I'm about to make my first update and want to cover all the bases.  I've downloaded 02.11.00 to my PC, then burned the program on a CD and then saved it to my laptop.  Reading the Dynon Support program HELP instructions for...