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  1. M

    D180 to GTX330 altitude encoding

    Thanks for the replies folks. I think I may have found the problem - I re-racked the GTX330 this morning and then everything seems to be fine. I was unable to climb above FL85 today due ATC but the readouts were correct up to that level. I can only assume that the unit was not making contact...
  2. M

    D180 to GTX330 altitude encoding

    Thanks Etienne - I have also sent an email to the Dynon support team
  3. M

    D180 to GTX330 altitude encoding

    Hi Etienne I connected a wire from pin 13 on the D180 to pin 24 on the GTX330 and also grounded pin 21 on the D180 as instructed in the D180 installation guide. I used Format 4 / Baud rate 9600 / Icarus input on the GTX330.
  4. M

    D180 to GTX330 altitude encoding

    I have just installed a new D180 and interfaced it with my GTX330. All seemed to be working correctly, but today I discovered that if I fly above FL72 (7200 feet) the altitude sent to air traffic generally descends as I climb but is inconsistent in this. Some random climbs/descents are sent by...