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  1. J

    D120 "fuel at waypoint" reading reads zero

    That is exactily right. Everything else worked except "fuel at waypoint". For me, it was just a matter of undertanding the sytem. It presents no real problem. Jim
  2. J

    D120 "fuel at waypoint" reading reads zero

    This one was easy. If NAV is selected on the HS34, GPS data is not provided to the fuel computer, and the "fuel at waypoint" is no longer computed. The answer is to simply select "GPS". Seems to me this is an anomely that should be corrected. Jim
  3. J

    D120 "fuel at waypoint" reading reads zero

    I think this is what is happening, but I have to fly the bird to check it out. I have the HS34 that has a function that allows you to pick the nav source. The problem may be as simple as when nav (for VOR or LOC is selected, it cuts off the input from the GPS to the Dynon. If that is the...
  4. J

    D120 "fuel at waypoint" reading reads zero

    I have a D-100 and D-120 in my RV-7A with about 45 hours on the airplane. The "fuel at waypoint" was reading accurately until yesterday, and on two flights with a destination selected in the Garmin 430 it read zero. All the other readings worked as before, including those presenting data...