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  1. T

    CHT Problem

    Just to let you know the end result of this problem. After considerable pain and suffering, it turns out the problem was that GP #3 was set "Rotax L" when it should be set to "unused". I do not think this fact is in the documentation but changing the setting on GP #3 instantly fixed the problem.
  2. T

    CHT Problem

    Your procedure sounds good to me and I think is worth doing. However, I have in effect bench tested my unit and bypassed the harness. I consistently get a -9 reading on the #1 CHT both shorting out the pins on the back of the D120 and by directly connecting the #1 and #3 probes to the unit not...
  3. T

    CHT Problem

    I tried shorting out the two pins for #1 Cyl. and still had the same result, a -9 reading on the #1 cyl. I called Dynon and have decided to have the unit checked at Dynon.
  4. T

    CHT Problem

    I will try shorting out the two pins and see what happens. I'll let you know. Thanks for the suggestion.
  5. T

    CHT Problem

    I have a D120 installed in a RV7-A.  The aircraft has not flown although the engine has been run 4 times.  Initially the CHT readings appeared to be accurate.  I now have a -9 reading on CHT #1.  This reading is the same whether the engine is running or not.  I have checked the wiring to #1 CHT...