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  1. B

    D100 Display going haywire!

    HI support - in the event I didn't call, as there were two guys over in the UK from Flight Design - one an electronics engineer from their Ukraine factory - they took a look at the problem and the conclusion was a failed accelerometer - the unit was reading a constant -5.8g (which I think would...
  2. B

    D100 Display going haywire!

    Happy to do that - can you tell me what time zone you are in and time difference from the UK? Our airfield is a little way from home so I need to plan when to call you - tomorrow (Wed 25th May) pm in the UK would be good for us - what time do you start in the morning? Thanks for your assistance...
  3. B

    D100 Display going haywire!

    I have a new CTLS, so far about 40+ hours on it, equipped with Dynon D100 EFIS and D120 EMS - last week, the EFIS started behaving very oddly - the pitot derived information was fine, but on the D100 display, the attitude indicator toppled and the DI just goes round in circles! The D120 is...