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  1. T

    Data Log - G-Meter

    I can't find "Vertical acceleration" on the parameters list within savvyAnalysis. Does the g-meter only record data when it's not hidden? cause I have set my g-meter to popup after a certain amount of gees, and i rarely exceed that limit. I have attached a data log.
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    SkyView 4.0 Now Available!

    Just installed the european package today, and i noticed that the airspace graphics doesn't look as the ones in the skyview user manual. I have the latest pocketfms aerodata installed. It seems that pocketfms data is not fully supported with the 4.0 software. Here is at screenshot of some...
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    GPX files from Flitesoft

    Try converting the file with the tool on this website. Edit: Attach a flitesoft flight plan, so dynon tech can have a look at it.
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    Skyview 3.1 flight plan import.

    Any ideas how to export Jeppesen flitestar flightplan to make it work with skyveiw? I have tried exporting as garmin xml format then converted to gpx using I loaded the flightplan into my skyview, but no there where no waypoints
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    Jeppesen Avionics Data Europe

    Last week I bought Jeppesen avionics data for Europe (aviation & obstacle data). I loaded the data into my skyview and discovered that VFR reporting points and some smaller airfields are missing. I contacted Jeppesen, but they haven’t responded yet and it has gone almost a week by now. I know...
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    SkyView 3.0 Is Released

    Since 3.0 i cant get my google earth user waypoints to work anymore, it worked perfectly in 2.6. After i installed 3.0, the user waypoints had disappeared so i installed them again, but it didnt work. So i looked through the skyview 3.0 manual and found that USR export utility has been updated...