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  1. D

    HS34 problem

    Thanks for the fast response. I failed to provide an adequate scenario. Have had airplane for 6 months, unit worked fine until summer. Just flew out and back to Branson PiperSport Fly-in. When sitting in sun on ramp unit fails. Made a stop for weather. Sitting on ramp in rain, unit works...
  2. D

    Fuel pressure transducer hookup

    I have a PiperSport. First had low fuel pressure warning at the top of climb, but then started happening in all phases of flight. Turning on electrical fuel pum does not change indication. Mechanical engine driven pump working normally at all rpm settings. Is this a bad sensor problem?
  3. D

    HS34 problem

    PiperSport LTD D100/HS34/Garmin 696/Garmin Sl30/AP74. Failure of HS34 to send navigation signal to AP74. HSI fails to show any navigation arrows. AP74 does work in ALT and HDG mode. Occasionally the GPS light will work but unable to switch to VOR source. DSAB reconfiguration does not help.