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  1. H

    SkyView 7 now available!

    Great job on 7.0 DYNON. I love the timer function and the many uses since its so easy to set and cycle.
  2. H

    SkyView 7 now available!

    Thanks Dynon. It was 1.5 hrs at the time I posted but now is almost 4 hrs and getting close from the looks of it. How long do most of you take for first D/L ?
  3. H

    SkyView 7 now available!

    I am at an hour and a half process to D/L charts and plates to my new 16 GB USB and am wonder, do I need two USBs for two displays? I thought I saw that I do but can't find it tonight. Is there any way to copy the second USB from the first or do I need to D/L to the second one? I have p/$$...
  4. H

    on screen timer/stop watch

    Would it be possible to impliment an on screen stop watch for use in IFR conditions. It seems that the use of a couple buttons on the display to control a- - stop watch would be a clean set up and prevent the need to carry a sports type stop watch for precision turns and such. Another...
  5. H

    Rough air mode for A/P ???

    Hey folks, has anyone tried to make a rough air mode for the SkyView system A/P? Is there any plan to develope this from Dynon. Many G/A auto pilot systems have this and it just dials down the sensetivity for one or both servos as programmed. I'm no programer but it seems that it would just...
  6. H

    Yaw Damper

    Hey Dynon, I love the SV 1000s and the A/P but I would really like to see a Yaw Damper system to complete the package. I think this would be a great addition to the already outstanding line of products you provide. Does anyone else want to see this ?